Required Mods
In order to play on NytherianKingdoms you MUST have Pixelmon (which requires MinecraftForge.) Ensure you are also using the offical 1.6.2 Minecraft launcher.
1. Download and run the newest 1.6.2 version of MinecraftForge.
2. Run the "minecraftforge-installer-1.6.2-XXXXXXX.jar" file you downloaded, and click "Ok," as the default options are already set up to install the client mod.
3. Download the Pixelmon mod. The download links are at the bottom of the changelog. Note: Both links go to the same file. There are two in case one of the file hosters goes down.
4. Open the "Pixelmon X.X.X" file and also type "%appdata%" in the start menu.

5. Open your Minecraft Launcher and select the "Forge" profile, click play, and join us at NytherianKingdoms.PlayAt.CH!
Optional Mods
Optifine is a must-have for people who have low-end computers and/or want fancy graphics options. It's now a Forge mod, so just download it from Optifine's Official Website and throw it into your mods folder.
You can also install the VoxelModPack for added functionality.
1. Download the VoxelModPack installer.
2. Run the "The VoxelModPack vXX.X.jar" file, and click next. Select "Chain to Minecraft Forge XXXXXXX" and continue.

3. Deselect whatever mods you don't want to use. If you need more information about a specific mod in the pack, refer to the Voxel Wiki
At our server, we use these:
VoxelLib - Required by all of the other mods.
TabbyChat - Tab-based chat system.
Macro/Keybind Mod - Run commands and clientside automation scripts via macros.
VoxelBoards - Used for interactive information and image boards
VoxelFlight - Useful for staff only. Supplies NoClip functionality, and smoother flight mechanics.
VoxelMap - Fancy minimap.
VoxelMenu - Fancy menus. That's all.
VoxelPlayer - Custom nameplate colors (managed serverside) and better nameplate mechanics.
WorldEditCUI - Useful for upper level staff only. Clientside representation of worldedit selections.
PlayerLib - Required by VoxelPlayer.

4. Install Pixelmon into the VoxelModPack folder.